About Elfring Fonts, Inc.
Corporate Background
Elfring Fonts Inc™ was founded in 1979 and is a global supplier of UPC codes, bar code printing software, and bar code scanners. Elfring's products are easily affordable. With 41 years in the business, over 90% of the U.S. Fortune 100 companies use one or more Elfring Font products. Elfring Fonts Inc. is a D&B rated corporation located in St. Charles, Illinois. We are open Monday - Friday from 9 am until 5 pm, Chicago time.
Elfring Fonts sells UPC codes, and produces retail, custom, and OEM bar code fonts and software. Our font formats include: OpenType/TrueType (TTF), PostScript (PFB), and PCL LaserJet (USP/SFP). Additional formats may be available.
We specialize in fonts for the PC, Unix, and mainframe computers. Most of our fonts are available in Windows and PCL formats. A few are also available in Mac format.
Elfring Fonts Inc
4N899 W Mary Dr
St. Charles, IL 60175
Phone: 1-630-524-2250

Purchasing Our Products
UPC codes and software products are available for purchase on line, or by phone. We offer secure online ordering, or place your order by phone, fax, email, or mail. Free trial versions are available for all of our software products so you can see exactly how they work before you commit to purchasing them!
All orders for UPC codes must be prepaid. We accept Visa, Master Card, American Express, and checks. If you pay for UPC codes by credit card or check and the payment is reversed, your UPC code number assignment will be immediately revoked. Elfring Fonts does not accept purchase orders for UPC codes.